Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) - Prélèvement à la Source


Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE)

The Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) system, known as “prélèvement à la source” in France is a method for collecting income tax that came into effect on January 1, 2019 . Its primary goal is to allow taxpayers to pay their tax close to the receipt of their income, without a one-year delay .

How PAYE Works

General Principle

The PAYE system modifies the payment methods for income tax. The tax is directly deducted from the employee’s salary or income by the employer or the third party paying the income (pension funds, etc.) . For employees, the tax appears as a line item deduction on their payslip, similar to social contributions .

Calculation of the Deduction Rate

Calculation Machine

The deduction rate is calculated by the tax administration based on the taxpayer’s last income declaration . This rate is then communicated to the employer or the paying entity, which applies it to determine the amount to be deducted each month .

Types of Rates

There are several types of deduction rates:

Affected Individuals

The PAYE system applies to most incomes:

Advantages of the System

  1. Immediate adaptation to changes in circumstances: the withheld amount adjusts automatically in case of changes in income .
  2. Simplification: the taxpayer receives their net income after tax .
  3. Better distribution of tax over the year: avoids the one-year delay between receiving income and paying tax .

Role of the Tax Administration

Despite this new system, the tax administration remains the sole contact for taxpayers regarding all questions related to income tax . The annual income declaration is still mandatory, allowing the final tax amount due to be calculated and necessary adjustments to be made .

In summary, the Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) system represents a major evolution in the French tax system, aimed at simplifying tax payment and adapting it more closely to the actual income of taxpayers.



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